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1. Avoid any chewing until numbness has completely worn off.

2. Between appointments it is common (and not a problem) for a small portion of your temporary filling to wear away or break off. If the entire filling falls out or if a temporary crown comes off, call us so it can be replaced.

3. It is normal to experience some discomfort for several days after a root canal appointment, especially when chewing. To control discomfort take pain medication as recommended.

4. If antibiotics are prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if the symptoms and signs of infection are gone. To further reduce pain and swelling, rinse three times a day with warm salt water. (Add tsp. of salt in a cup of warm water and rinse.)

5. To protect the tooth and keep temporary in place, avoid eating sticky foods (especially gum), hard foods, and if possible chew only on the opposite side of the mouth.

6. It is important to continue to brush and floss normal.

7. Usually the last step after root canal treatment is the replacement of a crown or tooth.

Please follow these home instructions carefully and call this office if your bite feels uneven, you have persistent pain, or have any questions or concerns.


1. DO NOT RINSE MOUTH TODAY. Tomorrow rinse mouth gently every 3 to 4 hours (especially after meals) using one-quarter teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Continue rinses for several days.

2. BLEEDING. Following extractions some bleeding occurs, place gauze pads over the bleeding area and bite down firmly for one-half hour. Repeat if necessary.

3. SWELLING. Ice bag or chopped ice wrapped in a towel should be applied to the operated area- one half hour on and one-half off for 4-5 hours.

4. PAIN. For mild to average pain use any non-aspirin type of medication that you like.

5. FOOD. Light diet is advisable during the first 24 hours.

6. BONY EDGES. Small sharp bone fragments may work up through the gums during healing. These are not roots; if annoying return to this office for their simple removal.

7. If any unusual symptoms occur, call the office at once.

8. The proper care following oral surgical procedures will hasten recovery and prevent complications.

Please follow these home instructions carefully and call this office if you have any questions or concerns.

1. After your first appointment for crown or bridge treatment, a temporary crown is usually placed on the tooth or teeth involved. The temporary crown protects while the custom crown is being produced. Temporary cement is used so that the crown can be easily removed at your next appointment.

2. If your temporary crown comes off before your next appointment, place the temporary back on your tooth and call our office.

3. With your temporary crown and with your permanent crown, you may experience some discomfort due to irritation of the area during the treatment procedures. You may also experience sensitivity to cold or pressures.

4. Your new permanent crown will be shaped and shaded especially to your teeth in color and fit. The temporary crown is made to serve you temporarily, so its color and fit are not custom-matched to your teeth.

5. After your new permanent crown is in place you may need a few days to adjust to it. If you feel the bite is not correctly balanced, please call for an appointment and we can adjust it.

6. Care for your new crown with proper brushing and flossing. It is especially important to keep the edge of the crown clean at the gum line.

Please follow these home care instructions carefully and call this office. If you have any questions or concerns.

The denture is constructed so that it rest on top of your gum tissue and all of the chewing forces must be born by your gum tissue. As a consequence, you may experience some soreness or discomfort under the denture base. This may be alleviated by adjustments and issue treatment. In some cases it takes several appointments before the denture can be made comfortable.

If this is your first denture it might take awhile to become accustomed to its feel. Initially, the denture may stimulate your gag reflex, feel very large in your mouth or simply feel foreign. Even experienced denture wearers need some time to adjust to new dentures. However, any continuing pain, discomfort or difficulty adapting to your denture should be brought to my immediate attention.

If you discontinue wearing your dentures for an extended period of time you may find that it doesn?t fit when you attempt to wear it again. This is due to the fact that the gum tissue will change its shape over time if the denture base isn?t resting upon it. If this occurs I will need to readjust the base to fit the tissue. In extreme cases a new base may need to be fashioned.

Please follow these home instructions carefully and call this office if you have any questions or concerns.


•  For pain or discomfort you may take over the counter pain medication.

•  It is advisable to eat only soft food for the first 24 hours, and avoid any hard or spicy foods, which could cause infection.

•  Drink plenty of water during the first 24 hours ? at least 8 glasses are recommended.

•  Place cold towels or an ice bag to the outside of your face in the treated area. Apply for 15 minutes, then remove for fifteen minutes, then remove for fifteen minutes during the first 4-6 hours.

•  On the morning after the treatment, rinse mouth with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon salt to glass of warm water). Repeat this several times daily.

•  Brush teeth gently to help remove plaque that has started to form. We suggest using fluoridated, tartar control toothpaste.

•  Don't use floss or other home tooth care products, such as toothpicks or electric brush, until after the day of your treatment. Begin very gently at first.

•  Because it is very common for periodontal disease to reoccur, patients should have regular checkups to monitor progress and prevent recurrence.

Please follow these home instructions carefully and call this office if you have any questions or concerns.